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Filmmaker portfolio website


APP Securities homepage redesign

APP security mockup.jpg

LAMPRO snake venom skincare logo & package design

0mask mockup.png

Murrawee Family muesli package design

7-day colorful.jpg
Plastic Pouch Packaging MockUp_S.jpg
otas mockup_s.jpg

UNSW Art & Design ANNUAL 17 Design Competition - Highly Commended award

Concept 1 - Balloon is a common symbol of youth and childhood, as well as freedom. The A-letter shaped balloon illustrates Art & Design's spirit: always being curious as a kid, being fearless to explore, and embracing free thoughts. Bold colors are used to address the playful and avant-garde characteristics of our students.


Concept 2 - The motion graphic aims to convey the vibrant and playful personality of UNSW Art & Design. The colorful dots stand for fresh ideas and different perspectives. Three strokes bond together as a big "A" representing the collaborative adventures for the artists, designers, and curators at Art & Design

0final animated logo_tian_ma.gif
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